Wind 4


Q&A – Paul McCullagh, UrbanWind

Paul McCullagh, chief executive of UrbanWind REI: What have you got planned for 2015? PM: 2015 is set to be a watershed year for us, with an unprecedented level of development projects confirmed or in the pipeline. We have already this year commenced work on three fully funded turbines, and have a major series of funded projects planned for throughout the year. The first quarter of 2015 alone is already looking to be our busiest and most exciting quarter to date.


Record-breaking January for wind energy

New official figures from National Grid for January show that wind energy broke new records for weekly, monthly and half-hourly generation.


Industry reacts to Autumn Statement

Industry leaders have criticised George Osborne for failing to put renewable energy on the agenda in his Autumn Statement.


Banks celebrate success with star pupils

Book-loving primary school pupils in Hawick celebrated their Achievement Award Assembly in style – with a little help from Banks Renewables. Over 30 children at Trinity Primary School, aged between 3 and 12, took part in the Commonwealth Reading Awards, an initiative aimed at encouraging children to read more books at school and home.


Wind industry creates thousands of UK jobs

The number of people working in the medium and large-scale sectors of the British onshore wind industry, and offshore wind, has risen by 8 percent in just over twelve months to more than 15,400 direct, full-time jobs, according to the trade association RenewableUK.


Green Party talks renewable policy with industry leaders

Members of the UK’s renewables industry joined with key Green Party politicians at The Cavendish Hotel, Central London, on Wednesday 15 October to discuss the future of the UK’s energy policies.


Vergnet hosts first open day

L-R Vergnet’s Diana Popa with Bertie Sainsbury-Plaice and farmer Ian Sharman Vergnet has hosted its first ever open day in the UK on a Nottinghamshire diary farm.


Industry slams CfD regime

The STA and REA have spoken out against the government’s finalised budgets for Contracts for Difference (CfD).


The generation game

Steve Pester, BRE, lifts the lid on the NSC’s latest exciting research collaboration with the UK MET Office


Industry slams CfD funding decision

The CfD scheme is set to replace the Renewables Obligation as the chief support mechanism for large-scale renewable energy projects and will involve a bidding process for rounds of funding.


NI energy ministers throws weight behind microwind

Small scale wind energy company Simple Power has welcomed the announcement from Northern Ireland’s Enterprise, Trade and Investment Minister Arlene Foster proposing that the level of incentives for the small scale onshore wind sector in Northern Ireland should remain at 4 ROCs until at least 2017