
Zero FiT degression expected in February

The latest PV installation figures from DECC show that deployment levels are likely to fall below the capacity triggers needed to enact a further degression in the Feed-in Tariff in the New Year.

According to analysis by Feed-in Tariff Ltd, provisional figures from DECC show that capacity installed between August and October is under the range which would result in a reduction to any of the three tariff bands.

Approximately 70MW of 0-10kW PV was installed in during the three month period – far below the 100MW level needed to trigger a 3.5 percent reduction in FiT from 01 February. Although not yet confirmed, tariffs are therefore expected to remain frozen at 15.44p/kWh for domestic (<4kW) installations until at least 01 May 2013 when they will be reviewed again.