
Octopus Hydrogen, Innova Renewables and Novus Renewable Services partner to produce green hydrogen

Octopus Hydrogen has entered a strategic partnership with Innova Renewables and Novus to build green hydrogen production facilities alongside their 4GW of solar, wind and battery projects currently under development in the UK.

Octopus Hydrogen, part of the Octopus Energy Group, will design, build and operate green hydrogen production at several of Innova’s renewable generation sites across the country, with the installation of electrolysers, compression and mobile hydrogen storage. Electrolysers will typically be between 2 and 20MW in scale.  

Novus is working with Innova Renewables to develop 4GW of solar, wind and battery capacity across the UK. Innova has agreed to develop hydrogen production facilities at several of its co-located solar and battery energy storage sites for the production and supply of green hydrogen to local businesses, via Octopus Hydrogen. 

These combined renewable energy and hydrogen sites will be among the first co-located green hydrogen projects in the UK, helping to establish a green hydrogen market and the model for a decentralised production and distribution business.  

An exciting step forward in green hydrogen

Will Rowe, founder and CEO of Octopus Hydrogen, comments: “This is an incredibly exciting step forward on the journey for Octopus Hydrogen. Partnering with Innova and Novus will allow us to develop and establish our decentralised model for green hydrogen production in the UK.” 

“Through this partnership, we will increase the amount of green hydrogen available in the UK by approximately 25 tonnes per day, enough to decarbonise over 500 long haul HGVs.” 

“We need to see electrification wherever possible, for home heating and domestic cars, but we also need green hydrogen to help decarbonise the hard-to-abate parts of the transport sector.” 

Robin Dummett, founder and managing director of Innova said: “Our partnership with Octopus Hydrogen is a key element in our strategy to develop renewable energy hubs across the UK and will help us accelerate the deployment of our 4GW pipeline.” 

Ryan Adams, director of Novus comments: “We are delighted to be partnering with Octopus Hydrogen to help boost the supply of green hydrogen in the UK as part of our collective journey towards Net Zero.  

“Together with Octopus Hydrogen and Innova Renewables, we hope to begin making the green hydrogen economy a reality, demonstrating to both business and consumers that use of green hydrogen is not just a long-term vision but something available to them today.”