
Exclusive preview: discover the highlights of InstallerSHOW 2024

As the InstallerSHOW 2024 approaches, set to take place from June 25th to 27th at the NEC in Birmingham, we’re excited to bring you an exclusive interview with Joe Sharpe, the head of content for Installer.

Unveiling the highlights: an exclusive preview of InstallerSHOW 2024

Joe shares a detailed preview of what participants can expect at what promises to be the largest event in its history. With the show expanding significantly to accommodate more than 600 exhibitors and an anticipated 20,000 attendees, Joe provides insights into the innovations and key trends that will dominate this year’s event.

This is a must-attend for professionals in the heating, water, air, and energy sectors, looking to stay ahead with the latest industry developments and networking opportunities.”

Could you share insights on how the growth of renewables has been reflected at  InstallerSHOW, both in terms of the number and diversity of exhibitors and attendees? What trends have you noticed? 

“The growth of renewables has been very clear across InstallerSHOW and the wider industry. If you go back to 2021, our last InstallerSHOW at the Ricoh Arena, the show itself is now six times the size of that event, which is some growth.

“We did attract heat pump manufacturers and other renewables at the show in 2021, but not at the scale of what you’ll see at the NEC this year. Similarly, the heating manufacturers that produce multiple technologies, may have been showing off renewable technology, but would probably still be focused on their core products.”

Unveiling the highlights: an exclusive preview of InstallerSHOW 2024
Unveiling the highlights: an exclusive preview of InstallerSHOW 2024

Wider pull of the industry to upskill

“With the government’s targets, the BUS scheme, and the wider pull of the industry to upskill to heat pumps, we’re seeing a completely different landscape at InstallerSHOW.

“The latest heat pump technology will be available to see at the show, from all of the leading manufacturers. What we’ve also seen, is the growth in the renewables sector outside of heat pumps.

“If you have a heat pump and are utilising time-of-use tariffs, you’re then more likely to be interested in battery storage, solar PV, EVs, charge points and all that other technology. We know installers from both heating and electrical backgrounds are being asked these questions, and we’re seeing that reflected in InstallerSHOW, with more of those renewables companies joining InstallerSHOW, keen to showcase their latest technology. 

“It’s genuinely an exciting time for the industry with lots of options to enter new markets and work with new technology and there’s no better place to see the full scope of what’s available than at InstallerSHOW.”

Over the years, how has the renewable technology showcased at InstallerSHOW evolved, particularly since incorporating the elemental aspect? 

“Renewable technology isn’t new and it’s not new to the UK. People have been fitting heat pumps in the UK for decades, even before there was an MCS. Now it’s a bit more of a hot topic, and there’s a lot more attention put onto renewables.”

Mass market adoption

“Heat pumps and solar aren’t just domestic products, or just commercial products, they can be effectively used in almost any application. How many pubs or restaurants do you go in, and it’s all heated and cooled using heat pump technology? It’s been going on for years. 

“The challenge is the mass market adoption, but with training, and advances in technology, the industry will get there. Installer focuses on the domestic market and the domestic engineer will go into houses and fit the systems. elemental is aimed more at a specification market, focusing on housing associations, social housing, leisure, the NHS and those larger applications. 

“Again, we’re seeing the market come together with much more crossover of audiences and it’s important that it’s all reflected at InstallerSHOW.”

The current program focuses on low-carbon solutions, but elemental isn’t specifically marked as the zone for these solutions. Why isn’t this content linked with the elemental brand, and what does this mean for the sector’s future?

“This year, we’re launching the elemental Arena, which is a big step forward for the brand. The InstallerPLAZA has been a key feature of InstallerSHOW since day one, essentially becoming a live broadcast of all the highlights of the show. In 2024, we’ve given Elemental the same platform with more space, higher production values, and more content. It will feature celebrity appearances, debates, discussions, and more from some of the most sought-after experts in the industry. 

More live content than ever

“Net zero is a key theme of InstallerSHOW, and the industry as a whole, but it will take everyone in the industry to achieve this. That’s why there’s more live content than ever before at InstallerSHOW, covering more areas and topics.

“You can view the full schedule of activity across all of our theatres here: Event Timetable | Installer Show | Heating & Plumbing Exhibition.”

Regarding traditional energy solutions, is there still significant interest among exhibitors in showcasing these options? Are you anticipating a shift in the focus of content available to delegates? 

“We are in a transition period, and people still need solutions for heating, hot water and energy now. There will still be traditional boiler manufacturers showcasing their traditional gas boilers, but you will see much more of a trend of them showcasing new technology as well, including heat pumps, hybrids etc.

“I think we’re more talking about systems nowadays, than products. Even with a gas boiler, there are lots of things to do to make that system more efficient. You can also future-proof those systems, to get ready for the heat pump, which will probably replace it in the next 10 years.

“Things like cylinders, pumps, pipe sizing, emitter sizing, heat loss calculation software, controls, there’s a lot more to the system than simply the white box that powers it. At InstallerSHOW all of these products will be on display, plus the training options available to help visitors understand and make the most of those technologies.”

From your perspective, what are the key focal points for this year’s InstallerSHOW? Which talks, workshops, or speakers do you predict will be essential for attendees? 

“There’s almost too much to talk about and it will depend on each visitor’s preferences, but whether you’re an InstallerSHOW veteran, or new to the show, you will be surprised by just how much is going on. 

Celebrity speakers and brands

“There are over 600 exhibitors for you to meet, which will cover everything you could possibly need: Meet our exhibitors | InstallerSHOW 2024.

“There will be more new products than ever before, with new brand names, new launches, and new technologies entering the market: 2024 New Product Showcase – InstallerShow.

“More live content than ever, from celebrity speakers like Rachel Riley and Deborah Meaden, to MPs and Government reps like Chris Skidmore MP and Lord Callanan, industry experts including Dr Jan Rosenow and much, much more. Event Timetable | Installer Show | Heating & Plumbing Exhibition.

“And finally, it’s a great day out. We try hard to make the trip as enjoyable as possible for our visitors, and our visitor research shows that they often come away feeling like they’ve had a good time.

“Parking is free at the NEC for visitors, there’s lots of hospitality available around the show on our features and stands, and there’s a late closing on Wednesday featuring a live band, it’s well worth the trip and we hope to see you there.”

Image: InstallerSHOW