
A Day in the Life … myenergi’s Jordan Brompton

We’re pleased to welcome, Jordan Brompton, co-founder and CMO of myenergi, to our first in a series of ‘a day in the life’ of … features, which reveal the person behind the role. What makes them tick, what are their daily habits, and what’s on their bedside table? 

My alarm goes off at … 

At myenergi, every day is different. Things are so busy and exciting that don’t really have a standard routine. I could be waking up at 5am to head down to London or jumping in the car for a meeting at our eco HQ in Grimsby. While this may sound a little too unstructured for some people, I love having such a varied and diverse role! 

The first thing I do each day is … 

Without fail, I head downstairs for a cup of coffee. A brief moment of calm and contemplation before the day gets started. 

I prepare for the day ahead by … 

I’d love to say that I have a crazy morning ritual, but I really don’t. I get ready, check our corporate social media feeds, bring myself up-to-speed with the morning’s news and then head out for my first appointment.  

I can’t leave the house without … 

Giving my daughter, Bonnie, a kiss goodbye. It reminds me every day that we’re doing all this to create a better planet for her generation to inherit. 

My typical day… 

Almost every day is different – I could be at a trade show, I could be public speaking, I could be recording a video, I could be sitting down with a journalist to share the myenergi story or simply jumping from meeting to meeting with team members and thought leaders from across the industry. However, communication and collaboration are so important to our business, so catching up with the sales team, marketing department, c-suite and my co-founder Lee is always first on my agenda. 

My most memorable work moment … 

I’ll never forget the feeling of attracting the backing of Sir Terry Leahy and William Currie. I remember walking out of the office, getting into the lift, the doors closing, then literally jumping and dancing with excitement. We’d raised £1.8m to take our business to the next level, which was truly a career-defining moment; I’d never seen that kind of money before in my life! 

I realised, almost immediately, that what we were doing wasn’t just a clever idea, but a business opportunity that had the legs to go global. I remember absolutely every detail. From what I was wearing and the smell of the room, to the colour of the walls. The feeling was indescribable! 

The worst part of my job … 

Probably the pressure to keep growing, keep building and take ourselves to new levels each and every day. Growing the team is difficult and we’re always experiencing challenges. Having said that, I find the exhilaration of it all really motivational – it keeps us sharp, keeps us energised and keeps us pushing to be the best.  

The best part of my job … 

Seeing people really enjoying their job and building strong relationships across the business. This weekend we were exhibiting at a trade show, and I loved seeing how it brought our team closer together – the pride, passion and love for the brand is really infectious. Knowing that we’re not only making a difference from an environmental perspective, but also that our team are enjoying the journey as well, is so important to me. 

It’s also really motivational to take guests on a tour of our facilities. Watching their reaction to what we’ve achieved and just how far we’ve come is pretty incredible! 

I relax after work by … 

There’s zero relaxing after work and that’s the just the way I like it! I get greeted by my daughter at the door and head straight into play time before the bedtime routine. I cherish these hours and wouldn’t have it any other way.   

The last thing I do each day is … 

My day-to-day is so busy, so I spend the evenings mentally preparing for the next day (whether that’s running through presentation notes or finalising content for an upcoming board meeting). I’m normally asleep the second my head touches the pillow, though. Despite the high pressure role, I’m really fortunate that I can manage to turn my brain off and sleep.  

On my bedside table is … 

It might sound a little cliché, but I have a notepad – just in case I wake up in the middle of the night with a bright idea. Both Lee and I have one. It’s something we’ve always done to ensure we never miss a lightbulb moment. 

I’m normally in bed by … 

I’ve heard so many stories of business leaders working through the night and only getting a few hours of sleep but, in my experience, burning the candle at both ends doesn’t always result in better ideas or greater efficiencies. I’m proud to say that I give 110% through the day, but I’m typically in bed by 10pm!  

For more information about myenergi, or the company’s pioneering range of eco-smart home energy technologies, visit 

If you or a colleague would like to be featured in ‘a day in the life of…’ feature, please email Natalie at