
ARMD solution helps beat tool theft 

Tool theft is a risk for any worker within the construction industry and can potentially put tradespeople out of business, as they struggle to replace expensive stolen tools that are essential to their work.  

A solution has entered the market, called ARMD, which is designed to protect tradespeople so that if you do suffer a loss, it will get you back up and running as quickly as possible. ARMD allows you to quickly record, protect, insure and replace your tools, either on the website or app. 

The ARMD platform gives the trade four ways to protect their business. Firstly, a free tool inventory lets you easily record your tools in one place. This is useful for audits, accounting and claiming insurance. 

A second, crucial, protection is fit for purpose tool insurance. The policy is dedicated to tool insurance, so you do not have to take your tools out of your van at night, which other policies may require you to do. Plus, you can claim digitally once your tools are in the inventory, saving hassle and time. 

One tool theft every 23 minutes 

ARMD also gives you access to smart anti-theft security products for your van, protecting your tools with a range of powerful locks, alarms and even smart sensors that automatically call you when someone tries to break in. 

Finally, there is the ARMD tool shop. Here you can choose from over 30,000 tools from the world’s leading brands and at checkout you can quickly and easily insure your tools so you are protected from the outset. Tools bought or replaced through the tool shop are automatically added to your tool inventory so that you do not need to manually upload them. 

“There is one tool theft every 23 minutes, which equates to approximately 23,000 a year – and that figure is only those that are reported,” explains Stephen Holland, ARMD’s co-founder.   

“More than half of the builders in the UK have had their tools stolen and on average the daily loss of income is around £350, not including damage to vehicles and reputation. Worryingly, approximately half of all tradespeople do not have insurance to cover them if they suffer a tool loss.  

Keeping the trade working

“It can’t go on and that is why we developed ARMD. In just a few minutes you can insure your tools, protect your livelihood and secure peace of mind.” 

“We listened to and developed ARMD with the trade, to tackle the many different pain points they experience when trying to protect themselves and their tools,” continues Stephen. “We are proud that our products keep the trade working – they’re the back bone of our country and no one should be left out of work because of tool theft.”  

“Put together, ARMD completes the loop – record, protect, insure and replace, providing tradespeople with a practical way to prevent and recover from tool theft,” says Stephen. “Our first claim was approved in just under 72 hours, keeping a livelihood intact and the hassle to a minimum. That’s the difference ARMD can make.”