
HeatNIC launches survey for UK heat network skills

The Heat Networks Industry Council (HeatNIC), a collaborative forum between industry leaders and the Government, has initiated a comprehensive skills survey to thoroughly assess the skill landscape within the low carbon heat network sector. This initiative aims to enhance the development and operation of heat networks across the UK.

Heat Networks Industry Council launches skills survey to bolster UK’s low carbon heat network sector

Who should respond?

The survey targets a wide range of participants, not limited to those directly engaged in the construction and management of heat networks. Organisations encouraged to respond include:

  • Local authorities
  • Housing providers
  • Investment companies
  • Owner/operators of campus-based systems such as universities and hospital sites

Organisations involved at any scale, from minimal to extensive engagement in heat networks, are invited to contribute to the survey.

Survey details and submission

Building on a preliminary exercise conducted in 2022, this expanded survey is designed to be straightforward and quick, requiring no personal information from the respondents. Interested parties can download the survey form from the HeatNIC website and submit their responses via email to by June 10th.

This survey represents a key step towards advancing the UK’s heat network sector by aligning the necessary skills and resources with the industry’s growth ambitions.