
Have your say on heat pump DNO notifications

As the heat pump market matures, a significant increase in heat pump deployment is anticipated, meaning that the demand on the network will also rise. It is vital that network operators have visibility of where heat pump units are connected, to effectively manage the low voltage network to maintain a secure supply.

MCS are partnering with the GSHPA & HPA to carry out market research into the heat pump DNO notification process, to gain insight into how the market is currently managing notifications. The input of all those involved in the sector is welcomed as they appraise the current heat pump notification process. The information will be used to inform future approaches to notification management to ensure it does not impede the heat pump sector.

The survey which can be accessed here, has been designed to be used by certified installation companies that install heat pumps within the industry. It is anonymised, and the results will only be used for market research purposes.

Heat Pump DNO Notifications Survey (