
Heat pump industry responds to CCC Sixth Carbon Budget

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has produced another insightful piece of work with their Sixth Carbon Budget Report.

Laura Bishop, chair of the Ground Source Heat Pump Association said:
“There is a huge amount of content in the CCC’s report to gladden the hearts of the heat pump sector, with an ever stronger emphasis on the dominant role that electrification will play for heat in buildings.”

“It is essential that the Government sets a clear commitment to electrification through the 2020s, including a stable and long-term support framework to build the heat pump supply chain to sufficient scale to deliver near-term emissions reductions and keep full electrification on the table.”

Bean Beanland of the Heat Pump Federation said:
“The unambiguous identification of the required high level policy package is exactly what is needed for the heat pump industry to deliver against the ambitious political intent set out in the Prime Minister’s recent 10-Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution.”

“There is much to do, and we need to get moving.  We need clear signals and direction from the Government on the critical role for electrification, and steps to be taken to make low-carbon financially attractive – with recognition of the electricity/gas spark-gap, the value of flexible electric loads, targeted incentives and the promotion of green finance.”

Increased communication and consumer engagement on the transition from gas boilers towards low-carbon heating systems, like heat pumps, will be crucial.

The GSHPA and HPF look forward to working with government to assemble and enact the specific polices required to make the 2020s the decade of electrification, with new employment opportunities and the upskilling of the conventional heating workforce who will be vital in delivering  heat decarbonisation across the UK.