
Try before you buy with Bicton EaRTH

Bicton EaRTH is offering a series of free hands-on taster sessions for heating and plumbing engineers interested in training to install renewable technologies.

The first session on Monday 16 December looks at courses available in domestic biomass, solar thermal and heat pump installation. Attendees will be given the opportunity to discuss the content of courses and issues such as MCS accreditation and the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).

Anyone attending the taster training can sign up on the day for £500 discount on full training courses at the centre.

Graham Waddell, head of Bicton EaRTH, said: “The hands-on session will offer a chance to get up close to the products and have a go at something practical before committing to a course. Those who are interested in solar thermal, for example, can try their hand at fixing and flushing a system, or making the connection to an unvented hot water cylinder.

“Some installers remain wary of the products. We want to show that renewable heat technology isn’t rocket science, and our course trainers will be on hand to answer any questions or concerns.”

The taster session runs from 12.30 to 4.30pm and includes lunch. To book a place, contact David Colbert on 01395 562384 or email