
Rural Energy announces biomass open day at fairytale castle

Scotney Castle #2
Visitors are being offered the chance to see how an historic 14th century castle is saving money and cutting carbon emissions by turning to biomass.  

The National Trust, which owns Scotney Castle in Kent, recruited Rural Energy to provide hot water and heating for the Victorian mansion at the heart of the 770-acre estate. The country estate famed for its fairytale 14th century castle has reportedly saved around £100,000 on its energy bills and cut carbon emissions by more than 400 tons, after turning to renewable energy.

Now people are being invited to take a close look at the success and benefits of the estate’s four-year biomass programme at a talk and tour event being organised by Rural Energy on Tuesday September 17.

The event will involve ‘talk and tour’ sessions in the morning and afternoon, with a panel of experts on hand to talk about the hot topics in biomass. The tour is set to include a look at the managed woodland on the estate.

Speakers will include Matt Scully, business development manager at Rural Energy and Ross Wingfield, senior ranger at the National Trust, who will talk about managing woodland for biomass.

Stewart Boyle, South East Wood Fuels associate and Ofgem advisor will discuss planning, quality and supply of woodfuel for biomass and independent Renewable Heat Incentive advisor Dermott Coady will examine the subject of metering, application and paybacks.