
Myriad Solar plans Leicestershire PV open day

Myriad Solar is planning two ‘talk and tour’ seminar sessions at Eye Kettleby Lakes, Leicestershire, later this month – so other local businesses can see for themselves the benefits renewable energy can bring.

Myriad Solar’s team installed a 24KWp system at the fishery earlier this year. The 100-panel, 24kW system is expected to save 10.35 tonnes of CO2 and will generate an estimated 19,571kWh of free electricity per annum.

The £58,000 investment will pay for itself in less than six years. And it is estimated that it will cut the company’s energy bills by almost £10,000 a year. 

Lee Baxter, general manager of Myriad Solar PV, a Myriad CEG company, said: “The Eye Kettleby Lakes project is a great example of how a business can harness sustainable technology to make a real difference, both financially and in its carbon reduction strategies.

“This ‘talk and tour’ event is a great opportunity for businesses to speak directly to some of Myriad Solar PV’s technical and design experts, and learn how they could benefit from installing PV on their business premises.

“With corporate social responsibility and sustainability becoming ever more important to companies of all sizes, the issue of renewable energy is being pushed up the boardroom agenda.

“We’re aiming the event at factory, office and industrial estate owners, sustainability and energy managers, estate and facilities managers along with anyone else with a project looking at ways to cut their energy bills and carbon footprint.”

There will be a morning and an afternoon session at the event on Wednesday, September 25. Each session will include a presentation, questions and answers and a tour of the PV installation. Lunch will be provided.

The morning session will run from 10am-12 noon and the afternoon event from 1pm-3pm. For more information or to register, please email or call 0203 167 3003.