
Pennine Biomass and HWEnergy join forces

Two renewable heating specialists have joined forces in a deal aimed at expanding into the North East.

HWEnergy, based in Fort William, has joined forces with Pennine Biomass, which installs biomass boilers from its bases in northern England.

The partnership is hoped to generate an income of £1.5m in year one with HWEnergy providing design expertise and Pennine Biomass handling the installation side of things. 

Edward Milbank, director at Pennine Biomass, told Newscastle local newspaper The Journal: “It was important that we found a partner that was able to support us in offering a whole package biomass heat solution and with HWEnergy’s experience as one of the oldest non-domestic biomass heat providers in the UK they were the natural choice. Together we have the experience, and technical and engineering resources to provide a turnkey biomass solution across the North of England.”

Bruno Berardelli, managing director of HWEnergy, added:  “This is a really exciting partnership which has the potential to offer significant benefits to both businesses.

“Under this partnership we are now able to make biomass heat a realistic and attractive long-term option in the North of England, providing support for many years to come.”